E-fling continues to aggravate and confuse attorneys and legal assistants. Here is an important tip I am getting from the clerks in all surrounding counties (they just will not say it on the record): DO NOT USE PRO DOC AS YOUR E-FILING SERVICE PROVIDER. The clerks confirm that the majority of their e-filing problems involve ProDoc. My office has switched to efile.txcourts.gov, which is free and seems to create far fewer errors. Click here for the comparison chart of e-filing service providers. I arranged a meeting for legal assistants from several different law firms to meet with Galveston County District Clerk John Kinard and his staff to discuss e-filing. I give Kinard and his people credit - they are trying everything they can to make this transition to e-filing work. Communication is a big issue and is being worked on. For example, Galveston County a few weeks ago stopped accepting American Express to pay e-filing fees but did not tell anyone. My office went crazy for a ... Read More >